A cryptocurrency for a greener world. GreenDeFi’s (GDF) ambition is to link technology and the green environment and broaden people’s perception of it. An auto-generated liquidity protocol / static farming by holding.
- 5% Automated Liquidity
- 5% Return to holders
GreenDeFi is a decentralized, community driven, Renounced Ownership token and has two core missions. Firstly, we only partner and invest with green companies and businesses. We check and rate them according to our green metrics (which is currently under development) and assign a number to them according to their green level. Secondly, we donate solar panels, plant trees and fight against plastic consumption by organising volunteer events for planting trees and cleaning up plastic around our local areas whether it is beaches or parks. Our goal is to try and expand our team of volunteers around the world. We will be documenting this and communicating these developments with you on a regular basis. We know that these goals are challenging and ambitious, however, we are determined to do whatever it takes to secure a better, greener future for everyone. GreenDeFi plans to play an active role in this and be recognised as the leader of a green future of blockchain.
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